Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What's new?

I'm so so glad to be back in action making jewellery for Cats & Whiskers!

Lots is going on at the moment so I thought it was time I'd give an update.

The Cats & Whiskers range
I've started designing and working on a number of new pieces for Cats & Whiskers, however by popular request I'm also making a number of old favourites, such as the bottle and hot air balloon necklaces.  This means that I'm very busy at the moment working on both current and new pieces, so will be just slowly releasing new pieces as they're available, rather than all at once as a new range.  I'm also stuck waiting on a lot of materials to arrive from overseas, which means that the current range available on etsy and felt is a bit limited.  This should change in the next week or two as materials arrive and I make more pieces.

The Markets
I have booked in at two markets prior to Christmas:

- Johnsonville Christmas Parade and Fair, 30 November, Johnsonville Community Centre
- Underground Market at the Dowse, 8 December, 11am-3pm at The Dowse in Lower Hutt.

I have also applied for one other market, and should hopefully have some news for that one soon.  Cats & Whiskers jewellery is also available at Matchbox Studios on Cuba Street, and I should be dropping off more there in the next few weeks.

Last week I started attending a jewellery making course, working with moulds and precious metals, and eventually stones.  I'm aiming to sometime in the next year start offering pieces made with silver and other metals that I've created from scratch.  This is very exciting but still a long way off.  I will keep you updated with the progress.

That's all for now!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Good news! As some of you would've seen on Facebook, Cats & Whiskers is back in action!

I've signed up for and applied for a number of markets coming up before Christmas, and hope to have loads of new designs up on etsy and felt soon!

More info on markets as they come, but first to confirm is the Johnsonville Christmas parade fair on the 30th of November. I'll be inside the Johnsonville community centre from early morning. 
